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OIC Calls Associating Kashmiris with Terrorism Unacceptable

Abidjan, Ivory Coast (July 11, 2017): The Contact Group of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Jammu and Kashmir has reaffirmed its unequivocal support to the people of Indian-Held Kashmir (IHK) occupied Kashmir in their just struggle for realization of their right to self-determination, as enshrined in the UN Security Council resolutions.

The OIC Contact Group which met on the sidelines of 44th session of OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) here paid rich tribute to the Kashmiris for rendering unmatched sacrifices in this historic struggle against Indian occupation.

The OIC strongly condemned and deplored the continued Indian state terrorism in occupied Kashmir and noted that the unresolved of Kashmir dispute continues to threaten the peace and security of the region. It emphasized that the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the aspirations of Kashmiri people and the UN Security Council resolutions. The Contact Group meeting was chaired by the OIC Secretary General, Dr Yousaf A Al-Othaimeen. The Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, led the Pakistan delegation. Ministers and senior officials of Azerbaijan, Niger, Saudi Arabia and Turkey also attended the meeting.

Opening the meeting, Dr Yousaf A Al-Othaimeen said, that no one can accept the attempts of associating Kashmiris with terrorism. He underscored that the OIC has always and will continue to express serious concern over the gross human rights violations in occupied Kashmir. He emphasized that the Kashmiris were striving hard to achieve their inalienable right to self-determination in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

In a statement the Advisor for Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz reiterated Pakistan’s continued diplomatic, moral and political support to the people of Kashmir in their just struggle against illegal Indian occupation. He deplored the Indian atrocities in the occupied territory since July 2016, particularly the use of pellet guns to deliberately damage the eyes of Kashmiri youth. He appreciated the steadfast support of the OIC to the people of occupied Kashmir. The Adviser deplored India’s deliberate and continued violations of ceasefire along the Line of Control resulting in loss of innocent lives.

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