Abb Takk News
News TickerTRENDINGWorld

Ethiopia, Eritrea Declare An End to Their War

Sania Yasin
Addis Ababa (July 10, 2018): Former sworn enemies Ethiopia and Eritrea have declared an end to their state of war, a two-decade-long standoff. Yemane Meskel, information...
Abbtakk PakistanAbbtakk specialNews TickerPakistanTop NewsTRENDING

Political, Social Leaders Felicitate Abbtakk On 5th Anniversary

Sheeraz Sommro
Web Desk(April 19, 2018): Important Political and Social leaders of the country have felicitated administration of  Abbtakk News for completing  5 years. Former Prime Minister, Yousif...
Abbtakk PakistanMOST POPULARNews TickerPakistanTRENDING

Political, religious parties condemn police storm at PTI Youth Convention

irfan haider
ISLAMABAD: Political and religious parties started to condemn detention of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Youth convention members and leaders arrests and baton charge by police. PPP Chairman...
Abbtakk PakistanMOST POPULARNews TickerPakistanTop NewsTRENDING

Political, military leadership agree to speed up action against terrorists’ facilitators

syed aslam
ISLAMABAD: Deciding to speed up implementation of National Action Plan the government reiterated its resolve to fulfill the national aspirations in its war against terrorism....