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Hurriyat conference announces international Kashmir Day tomorrow

All Hurriyat Conference has announced to observe international Kashmir Day tomorrow in Indian occupied Kashmir while curfew was continued on 13 day as mobile and internet service still suspended.

According to Indian media the administration has did not let any relaxation in curfew, which has entered in 13th day, while the links of Kashmiri people has suspended from other world due to suspension of internet and mobile service.

Some of the Kashmiri has tried to come out from their houses despite curfew and heavy contingency of Indian forces, however Indian forces shelled tear gas on them which caused the injures of hundreds Kashmiri.

Hurryat Conference, the alliance of Kashmiri parties, condemning Indian forces cruelties announced the international Kashmir day on tomorrow, Friday, in which people will stage protest in US, British and Europe and will demand to UN to end the genocide of Kashmiri in Indian held Kashmir.