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Independence Day: Youth Pays Unique Tribute to Quaid-e-Azam

Web Desk (August 14, 2018): Everyone is trying all possible ways to celebrate Pakistan’s 71st Independence day with all zeal. Similarly, many youngsters are innovating new creative ideas to pay their tribute to founders of Pakistan. 

Enthusiastic patriots are decorating houses and vehicles with flags, banners, buntings and what not. Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam’s posters have been also pasted but what caught everyone’s eye was a youth expressing his love for Jinnah, as he exhibited his talent on a watermelon.

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Young artist placed Jinnah’s picture on the watermelon, and drew out the picture on it. Then he sketched the picture on peel of watermelon. Video showing the complete process was shared on social media and soon went viral. Youth’s talent was very much appreciated by the viewers.

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