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India refuses to allow UN HRC to visit IOK again

India to hid its forces brutalities and shameful acts being done Kashmir has once against declined to allow UN human right watch to access to occupied Kashmir.

The curfew prevailed in the valley for more than two months which caused the drought like situation in the valley while hundred of thousands have been lost their sight and hundreds met martyrdom, however Pakistan raised the issue strongly on international forums which compelled the UN human rights commission to visit the valley take a glance over the deteriorating situation but India has refused categorically that exposed its draconian face before the world community.

The high commissioner of UN human right commission Zaid Raadul Hassan raising the concerns over the killing of Kashmiri in valley termed the access must and told the information regarding use of force against people being communicated.

” We are receiving information killing and injuries of people at large scale that created the need of free, unbiased and international mission, therefore badly need to access Kashmir to know truth behind,” he said.