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Indian forces cruelty on rise as eight more Kashmiri martyred

As the Eid-ul-Azhan approaches the state terrorism of Indian forces has been manifold and they killed eight more Kashmiri as curfew is prevailing which halted life in the valley.

The tension still prevailing after passage of two months in the Indian occupied Kashmir, however Indian forces barbarianism could not stop to hold protest to Kashmiris as the Hurriat leaders have extended the protest and strike to September 16.

The curfew being prevailed as Indian forces cordoned off turned the valley into prison which caused the shut shops and created drought-like situation. Dearth of eatable items, milk and medicine further deteriorated the situation and the riks of human dilemma has risen.

However, the Indian forces inhuman torture could not stop protesters and despite all kind of cruelty they came out on roads and recorded their protest.