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Indian forces turn Kashmir into prison

The continue curfew for 16 days, inhuman torture on hapless Kashmiri by the Indian forces turned the Indian held Kashmir into prison as the martyred toll risen to 55 as the shut down in the valley entered 16th day while the leadership of Hurriyat Conference including Syed Ali Gillani and Umer Farooq still under house arrest.

The Indian forces brutalities and terrorism on the spree on continue amid tension prevailed in the valley that badly effected the daily life and the situation of eatable items became more deteriorated in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Indian forces terrorism could not halt Kashmiri to raise their voice and they staged strong demonstration despite forces firing and shelling which being blind them and burnt their faces.

Chairman of Hurriyat Conference Mir Waiz Umer Farooq and other leaders including  Syed Ali Gillani, Shabbir  Shah are also being under house arrest, however curfew and shelling could not halt them to protest and they announced shutter down on Sunday and Monday across the valley.