Abb Takk News

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan summoned Indian High Commissioner in Foreign Office over martyrdom of 30 innocent citizens by Indian Forces in Occupied Kashmir and recorded its protest, while Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary has demanded for transparent investigation over oppression on Kashmiris.

Foreign Office summoned Indian High Commissioner Gautam Bambanwala and expressed serious concerns over firing incidents on peaceful protesters by Indian Armed Forces in Occupied Kashmir. On this eve, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary also handed over protesting note to Indian High Commissioner.

According to Foreign Office Spokesperson, the Foreign Secretary declared martyrdom of Burhan Wani including 30 Kashmiris in Occupied Kashmir as violation of human rights and demanded Indian government to take action against personnel involved in the incident. Besides, Foreign Secretary said that use of power on Kashmiris is tantamount to extra judicial killing. India should follow United Nations resolutions for resolve of Kashmir issue.