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Khashoggi Killing: Sons Ask Saudi Govt To Return His Body

Washington (November 05, 2018): The sons of Jamal Khashoggi, Abdullah and Salah have asked Saudi authorities to return the body of their father so the family can properly grieve.

“I really hope that whatever happened wasn´t painful for him, or it was quick. Or he had a peaceful death,” Abdullah Khashoggi told the US network during the interview in Washington.

His brother Salah said “All that we want right now is to bury him in Al Baqi in Medina with the rest of his family,” referencing a cemetery in Saudi Arabia.“I talked about that with the Saudi authorities and I just hope that it happens soon.”

“There´s a lot of ups and downs… We´re trying to get the story — bits and pieces of the story to complete the whole picture,” Abdullah said. “It´s confusing and difficult.”

“It´s not a normal situation and not a normal death.”

Salah emphasized that “the King has stressed that everybody will be brought to justice. And I have faith in that.”

Earlier on November 03, Turkey’s Erdogan expressed his views over the event. He stated that the orders for the murder came from the very top level of Saudi Government.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said in an op-ed piece published by the Washington Post. However, he wrote: “I do not believe for a second that King Salman, the custodian of the holy mosques, ordered the hit on Khashoggi.”

Erdogan refrained from directly accusing the crown prince.

“No one should dare to commit such acts on the soil of a NATO ally again.

If anyone chooses to ignore that warning, they will face severe consequences,” Erdogan warned in the op-ed piece.

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