Abb Takk News

Moodi warns to work isolate Pakistan globally

NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing a speech in the southern Indian town of Kozhikode, threatened that India would mount an international campaign to isolate Pakistan in entire world.

“We will isolate you. I will work for that,” Modi said in his first speech after the attack on an Indian army base Uri, that killed 18 soldiers.

“Terrorist attacks in Bangladesh and Afghanistan were also being launched from Pakistan.”

Accusing Pakistan he said that Pakistan trying to destabilise Asia by exporting terrorism.

“People of Pakistan should question their leadership on why, when both countries gained freedom together, while India exports software, Pakistan exports terrorists,” Modi said.

He warned that India would never bow down before the terrorism, adding that in the last four months, Indian security forces have killed 110 terrorists who allegedly crossed over the cease-fire line in Kashmir from Pakistani territory.

Some Indian military experts have called for cross border strikes against suspected militant camps across the border in the wake of the latest attack, however Pakistan has warned it will hit back against any Indian with full capacity.