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Murad Criticizes Building of Dams Amid Water Scarcity

KARACHI: The chief minister Sindh Murad Ali Shah on Wednesday said that the amid water scarcity the construction of dams was not an appropriate option.

“Will Dams fill with air in absence of water,” Murad Ali Shah raised question while addressing to Sindh assembly session.

He mentioned that Sindh was not getting its due share of water and has already been lodged its protest over receiving less water from its set share.

“In past Sindh gets water from five rivers but in 1859 the British rulers had started creating hurdles and opposed the greater Thar canals, however, a dictator had built it. In 1948 India shut the water from its side while no representative was included in Indus Water Treaty in which three rivers had been handed over to India that became the main reason of water scarcity in the country,” he mentioned.

He lamented the government over diminishing share of Sindh in water distribution and said that the share of Punjab had been increased in 1991 but the share of Sindh had not increased as per its requirement.