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New fire broke out in north Los Angeles, burned more than 9,400 acres

LOS ANGELES: New fire broke out north forests of Los Angeles on Wednesday.
Fire quickly engulfed to 9,400 acres, forcing more than 31,000 people into immediate evacuation orders due to high winds and snow.

According to the news agency, flames are rising in the mountains near Castaic Lake, the fire is spreading rapidly, because of which 25 thousand people have been ordered to evacuate and 500 prisoners have been transferred to other prisons.

A new fire grew two-thirds of the way through Los Angeles in just a few hours on Wednesday, one of two wildfires that have ravaged the Los Angeles area.

The fire was quickly fanned by dry Santa Ana winds that pushed a wide swath and dangerous embers ahead of the flames.

Evacuation was ordered for 31,000 people around the lake, located 35 miles (56 km) north of Los Angeles and near the city of Santa Clarita.

According to the news agency, police driving around neighbourhoods urging people to leave.

Helicopters and small planes are also taking part in the efforts to extinguish the fire, news agency reports

Remember that Los Angeles is already dealing with the ravages of terrible fires.