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Pakistan decides to unveil India’s evil face

Pakistan has decided to unveil India’s atrocities in Kashmir and for the purpose secretary foreign ministry Aizaz Chaudhary has met with various ambassadors and informed them the Pakistani’s concerns over Kashmir situation and the ambassadors conference Pakistan to have call last week of July.

Aizaz Chaudhary has met five envoys of permanent member of UN security council – China, France, Russia, US and Britain- and informed them the Pakistan’s deep concerns over the Kashmir situation and demanded UN should have to take notice of Indian forces cruelty and violation of human rights in the valley.

According to sources the conference is being called on the directives of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and will be held in the last week of the current month while foreign ministry has initiated the steps in the chair of Tariq Fatmi.

The envoys will be briefed, at the end of the moot, over the foreign policy, arrest of RAW agent and Indian atrocities being done against Kashmiri people while Pak-Afghan border issue will also be included.