ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Finance Minister Shamshad Akhtar has said that Pakistan have to stop walking on crutches. it time to increased export and decreased import.
Finance Minister Shamshad Akhtar said that the economic situation is improving. Steps have been taken to stabilize the country economically due to the decline in the value of the dollar. You can also borrow from Pakistan Stock Exchange by selling T-Bills , addressing the businessmen and industrialists at FPCCI, the caretaker federal finance minister said that now the government will not only borrow from commercial banks, but now it is also borrowing through the stock market to meet the deficit of the government.
Caretaker Federal Finance Minister Shamshad Akhtar added that the economic data is improving. National Credit Company has been launched. Loans will be provided to small scale industries through National Credit Company. National Credit Company will support small scale industries from 6 billion rupees. It will go up to 15 billion rupees, Shamshad Akhtar further said that now we have to stop walking on crutches.
President FPCCI Atif Ikram Sheikh said that due to the measures taken by the caretaker government, the economic statistics are now improving. In December 2023, the current account was 39.7 million dollars in surplus and there is a significant improvement in the tax collection of FBR. FBR has collected 4468 billion rupees in tax in 6 months. Due to the measures taken by the caretaker government, the economy is improving. It is hoped that the newly elected government will continue the economic improvement measures after the election