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Pakistan Rejects Presence of Any Terror Outfit

Islamabad (July 6, 2017): Pakistan has strongly rejected organized presence of any terror outfit including TTP, Jamaat-ul Ahrar, Daesh and Al-Qaeda on its soil.

This was stated by Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakariya at his weekly news briefing here earlier today.

Rejecting the allegations over presence of Haqqani network in tribal areas as mere rhetoric, the spokesman said that this is only aimed at putting the blame of its own failures on Pakistan.

The killing of a number of commanders of Haqqani network in Afghanistan clearly indicate that the group is based in Afghanistan and not operating from Pakistan.  Due to effective counter terrorism operations by Pakistan the terrorists are on the run and their infrastructure has been dismantled. This is also manifested in improved security situation in the country, Nafees said.

He also said that during the visit of the US delegation headed by Senator McCain, matters pertaining to Afghanistan were also discussed. Pakistan believes in an Afghan led and Afghan owned peace process. Peace and stability in Afghanistan has direct bearing on peace and stability in Pakistan, he added.

While Pakistan is ready to assist in all efforts aimed at bringing peace to the neighboring country India on the other hand has become a part of problem in Afghanistan. It looks as if India does not want peace in Afghanistan, he added.Calling Pakistanis the most sincere friends of Afghanistan the FO spokesman said Pakistan welcomes Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei’s recent statement in which he urged the Muslims worldwide to support the oppressed people of Kashmir.

The Muslim Ummah in its totality is concerned about gross human rights violations in occupied Kashmir. The OIC has repeatedly called for sending fact finding missions to the valley for investigation into the human rights violations there.

The spokesperson said that Indian reportedly is using ammunition containing chemical agents to kill the innocent Kashmiri people and damage their properties. The international organizations should investigate these reports which if confirmed will be sheer violation of international norms and conventions, he added.Asked about the sale of advanced weapons to India by different countries, the spokesperson replied that Pakistan is deeply concerned on the matter which undermines the objectives of preserving strategic balance in the region. Pakistan will continue to raise its voice at the international fora which should objectively assess its actions and policies towards South Asian region.

Pakistan is not oblivious to safeguarding its national security, the FO spokesman said.

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