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Prices of 10 Eatables Shoot Up Last Week

Karachi (October 29, 2017): Prices of 10 essential eatables have surged during the last week across the country.

Prices of eggs have increased by Rs10 per dozen. Five percent increased is witnessed in onion prices. While prices of garlic, meat, wheat flour, rice basmati, burning wood, ghee and cooking oil have surged during the last week.

On the other hand, down fall is witnessed in the prices of tomatoes among 13 items. Tomatoes prices fell around five percent during the last week. While a downward trend is witnessed in the prices of chicken, LPG cylinders, sugar, garbage, potato, pulses of masur, mash and moong during the last week.

According to statistics division, inflation increased by 0.5 percent during the last week.

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