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Russia Rejects Turkey’s Calls for Idlib Ceasefire

Tehran (September 08, 2018): Russia has rejected Turkey’s call for ceasefire in Syrian province, Idlib. 

Russia has rejected Turkey’s calls for a ceasefire in Syria’s northern province, Idlib, a strong spot of rebels in Syria, and said that its fight against terrorists would continue.Presidents of Russia, Iran and Turkey attended a tripartite summit in capital of Iran, tehran to talk about militant actions in Syrian province of Idlib. Turkish President in the meeting, calls for a truce to prevent a bloodbath in Syrian province, Idlib.

However, Russian President, Vladimir Putin said that Russia would continue its fight against terrorists in Idlib province. Russia and Iran spoke of fighting terrorism in the province, they allied to Syria’s President Assad, and say jihadist groups in Idlib must be wiped out.Turkey backs opposition fighters, including some present in Idlib, who are seeking his ouster and fears the potential flood of desperate Syrians into its territory.

Earlier on April 4, Turkey, Iran and Russia pledged to accelerate efforts to bring stability to Syria, underlining their joint commitment to the country a day after President Donald Trump raised the prospect of withdrawing US troops.

A statement by the three countries after a summit meeting of their leaders in the Turkish capital Ankara said they were determined to speed up their efforts to ensure calm on the ground in Syria.

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