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Texas: Storm Harvey Leaves Behind Trail of Destruction

Washington (August 28, 2017): Tropical storm Harvey has left behind a trail of destruction over substantial parts of American state of Texas.

Some 2,000 people have been rescued from floods in and around the Houston city alone after the devastating storm that ripped through all the way from Corpus Christi to Houston.

Storm Harvey continues to batter Texas with heavy rains has caused catastrophic flooding along the Texas Gulf Coast as the storm lingers and continues to drop record-breaking rainfall. Houston is experiencing unprecedented flooding, with shoulder-high water in some areas after a 20-plus-inch rainfall, and Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo calling it “a 500-year event.”

Texas Governor said about two hundred fifty roads and motorways have been closed in Texas and federal disaster declaration has been made for nineteen counties.

Sources say that rescue efforts are being hampered by strong winds and the US Coast Guard in Houston has requested for more helicopters.

Officials have confirmed least two fatalities, though a section of US media has reported as many as five casualties while National Hurricane Center warns of “catastrophic flooding” over the next few days. In addition, about 230,000 homes and businesses remain without power. Roofs and walls collapse damages have been reported while American President Donald Trump plans to visit the devastated areas tomorrow.

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