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Trump-Putin Test Ties in Baltic Showdown Today

Helsinki (July 16, 2018): Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will have an anticipated meeting today, to put to the test the US president’s ambition to forge a personal bond with the Kremlin chief.

Washington-Moscow rivalry has a long history and there are there many points of friction that could yet spoil Trump’s hoped-for beautiful friendship. Donald Trump has been president for 18 months, while Vladimir Putin has run Russia for the past 18 years. Nevertheless, Trump has a high opinion of his ability to woo tough opponents, such as North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, whom he met at a summit last month.If Trump’s instinct is right and he finds common ground with Putin, then the pair’s Helsinki Summit may take the heat out of some of the world’s most dangerous conflicts.

The Kremlin has also played down hopes that the odd couple will emerge from their first formal one-on-one summit having resolved the issues poisoning relations.

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