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UN’s Human Rights Body Expresses Deep Concern On Latest Restrictions In IHK

GENEVA: The United Nations’ human rights agency said India’s decision to take away Jammu and Kashmir’s special status would lead to deterioration in the alleged human rights problem in the region.

“What we are now witnessing in Indian-administered Kashmir takes what was already a bit of pattern to a whole new level,” said a spokesperson for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

He referred to a UN report from last month on the human rights situation that documented how authorities in the region “have repeatedly blocked telecommunications networks to muzzle dissent, used arbitrary detention to punish political dissidents and employed excessive force while dealing with protests, leading to extrajudicial killings and serious injuries”.

The spokesperson said the rights body was deeply concerned that the latest restrictions in Kashmir would “exacerbate the human rights situation in the region”. “The fact that hardly any information at all is currently coming out is of great concern in itself,” he added.

The United Nations chief spokesperson urged India and Pakistan to exercise maximum restraint. The statement came hours after Pakistan downgraded relations with India by expelling the Indian envoy in Islamabad and suspending bilateral ties.