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IHK: Occupational Forces Turn Kashmir into Massive Jail

Srinagar, Indian-Held Kashmir (July 9, 2017): The occupational Indian forces and the puppet administration have turned Indian-Held Kashmir into a massive jail as leaders of the pro-freedom Hurriet Conference including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik have said that the authorities have turned Kashmir into a war zone on the first death anniversary of popular youth leader, Burhan Wani.

A statement issued by these leaders here said that the paranoia and panic pervading the occupied territory on the first martyrdom anniversary of Burhan Wani is an acknowledgment that even his memories that live in heart of every Kashmiri are a threat to the regime despite its huge military control.”

The Hurriet leaders condemned curfews and restrictions across Kashmir, blanket ban and gags on communication and networks, suspension of rail links, closing of highways, deployment of additional forces at every nook and corner of Kashmir, arbitrary arrests and detentions, raids on homes and harassment of people.

“All measures to prevent people from paying homage to the martyr and his associates have exposed the oppressor. It also shows that however mighty and resourceful a territory may be it can only suppress people struggling for freedom and justice physically, but can never crush their spirit and aspirations, of which it is actually afraid of,” they said.

The resistance leaders said people are being collectively punished by a mighty regime that has declared Kashmir a war zone where all human rights of its citizens cease to exist, for daring to demand their fundamental political right. So people are being taught a lesson in subservience through use of brute force.

“People’s commitment has stood the test of time. People could not get dissuaded from the movement during the past seventy years and the fourth generation of Kashmiri has got itself associated with it more forcefully and emotionally,” they added.

The Hurriet leaders  thanked people of Chenab Valley including Bhaderwah, Kishtwar and Banihal for observing a strike on Burhan’s anniversary and for expressing solidarity with the people of Kashmir.

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