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Pakistan’s Exports surge 10.52% to $16.5B In FY2024-25

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s exports reached $16.5 billion during the first six months of fiscal year 2024-25, recording a 10.52% increase compared to $14.9 billion in the same period last year, according to official data.

December 2024 saw exports touch $2.841 billion, marking a 0.28% increase over November figures. The July-November period witnessed exports climb to $13.6 billion, representing a 12.5% growth rate.

The sustained export growth reflects broader economic stability measures implemented during the current fiscal year.

The latest trade figures indicate a consistent upward trend in Pakistan’s external trade position, with monthly export values showing steady improvement throughout the latter half of 2024.

The export performance aligns with government initiatives aimed at strengthening the country’s trade position and fostering economic stability through increased international trade engagement.