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SC constitutional bench raises several questions on trials of civilians in Military courts

ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court’s Justice Hasan Azhar Rizvi has raised questions on military trials of civilians during the hearing today.

The Supreme Court (SC) constitutional bench in a comprising seven judges in the chair of Chief Justice Amin Uddin heard an important case of the civilians trials in the military courts while the bench raised several questions on the civilian trials in the military court.

The Supreme Court’s Justice Hasan Azhar Rizvi questioned that did any trial held against involvement of any military officer in May 9 incident? continuing his questions he said how did people without guns reach the corps commander house? He remarked that entering of the people in the corps commander house is a security breach.

Justice Jamal Mandokhail said that the prosecution is mainly relying on FB Ali case for current case in which both retired as well as on duty officers were involved.

In existing case someone is accused of inciting stopping army from performing its duties? Jamal Mandokhail said.

On which Defense Ministry counsel said that whoever will disturb army discipline will go to the military courts.

Justice Jamal Mandokhail commented that limits of the military courts how much you are extended that anyone can fall under it.

Justice Mandokhail said that FB Ali had accusation of colluding with people within the institution. He went on to say that institution comprises on the people let tell us about people relation within the institution.

To which Khawaja Harris said that if he steals a gun from a defense institutions then its case will run in the military court.

Khawaja Harris said that in the May 9 incident the protesters have allegations of harming the assets.

The case adjourned till tomorrow while Khawaja Harris will continue his arguments.