Moody’s Investors Service in a report published on Thursday said the mini-budget will help narrow the current account deficit. The sovereign ratings agency says the...
Web Desk(July 27, 2018): Moody’s Investors Service says narrow tax base will remain the key challenge for the new government in Pakistan as previous governments...
Web Desk(May 22, 2018): World’s one of the most respected credit rating agency Moody’s has reaffirmed Pakistan’s credit profile as B3 stable. According to Moody’s...
Karachi (January 09, 2018): Further depreciation in the Pakistani rupee against the US dollar is likely, given the likely evolution of the current account, which...
Islamabad (August 1, 2017): Moody’s has warned ousting of Pakistan’s prime minister by the country’s top court dramatically raises the risk profile for investors and...