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Pakistani girl based in the UK achieves a remarkable feat with 34 GCSEs, setting a new record.

Abuzar Usama
16-year-old Mahnoor Cheema, a Pakistani-British student, has set a record by passing 34 subjects in the GCSE exams, the highest ever achieved in UK and...
Abbtakk PakistanMOST POPULARNews TickerPakistanTop NewsTRENDING

UK Rejects Petition To Extradite Ishaq Dar

Sheeraz Sommro
Web Desk (September 14, 2018): The British government rejected a petition to extradite former finance minister Ishaq Dar, citing the reason that it has no...
Interesting NewsNews TickerTRENDING

Gold Foil Lamborghini Lands in Pakistan

Sania Yasin
Web Desk (September 01, 2018): Pakistan’s first gold car, 18k gold foil Lamborghini Aventador S luxury car has arrived in Islamabad. 18k gold foil car’s price is...

London: Car Hits Barrier Outside U.K. Parliament, Many Injured

Sania Yasin
London (August 14, 2018): A car has hit the barrier outside British House of Parliament in London. Click Play Button To Watch This Video According...
News TickerTRENDINGWorld

Burqa Remarks: PM May Supports Apology Demand from Johnson

Sania Yasin
London (August 08, 2018): British Prime Minister Theresa May has rebuked Boris Johnson over his demeaning claim regarding Muslim women in burqas, urging the former...