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Another Scam Appears In CAA, Suspended Pilot Recieved Rs 5.4 Million In Fake Manner

Karachi: After the fake license scandal another scandal of granting a pilot flying allowance in the fake manner has surfaced.

The Pilot, Mesam Raza, who was suspended in 2017 revealed that he was paid Hundreds of thousands of rupees monthly.

According to the audit report and a report of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Department of Flight Inspection Unit that Mesam Raza was paid flying allowance of Rs 5.4 million in the three years.

The report revealed that Mesam Raza has not been flying since 2017 while he was removed from his job by declaring him unfit for the job. Mesam Raza has backing of director HR and director Finance all together.

According to the same report the officers were getting mammoth salary of Rs six lakh through embezzlement as flying allowance and other allowances.