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Killing of people by heavy vehicles continue in Karachi as mini truck run over on motorcycle killing two youth

Karachi: Killing of people through heavy vehicles continued in Karachi as speedy mini truck run over a motorcycle killing two youth on the spot.

The accident occurred in Korangi neighborhood of Karachi.

A few days ago a college professor and his wife were run over by a dumper near Jamali bridge on Super highway.

Two days ago Professor Tariq Salahuddin and his wife laid to rest who were died as a dumper run over his motorcycle.

Jamat-e-Islami (JI) Karachi Chief Munam Zafar also attended the funeral.

Taking to media after the funeral Munam Zafar said that this year alone 600 people were run over by dumper and tankers.

While the JI Karachi chief demanded to control deadly dumper and tankers.

The deceased Professor Tariq and his wife were buried in Sakhi Hassan grave yard.

While they left behind two sons.