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Dastagir Warns of Befitting Response To Any Enemy Attack

ma zafar
Islamabad (March 20, 2018): Defence Minister Khurram Dastagir on Tuesday give a clear message to those against the homeland saying that the armed forces and...
Abbtakk PakistanMOST POPULARNews TickerPakistanTop NewsTRENDING

Balance Response Needed While Engaging With US: Ayaz

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Islamabad (January 04, 2018): The special session of Parliamentary Committee on National Security was held in Parliament house Islamabad today. It was briefed on Thursday...
Abbtakk PakistanMOST POPULARNews TickerPakistanTRENDING

Tillerson Visits Pakistan, Meets Civil-Military Leadership

owais icls
Islamabad (24, October 2017): US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called on Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi during his visit to Pakistan on Tuesday.  The meeting was...